Photos Boîtes à gants
Type :Jacomex BS531 NMT, Jacomex GP[concept]T2 (x2), Mbraun Labstar MB10 compact + regenerable solvent filter, MBraun Labstar MB10G 3 gants, Jacomex GP[concept]T2-FF, Jacomex GP[concept]T4.
Technical Data :
- " High purity " installation
- Purification unit for O2 and H2O (automatic regeneration)
- Automatic pressure regulation
- Automatic vacuum locks (15 and 40 cm in diameter for Jacomex, 10 and 25cm for MBraunMB10 compact, 15 and 40cm for MBraunMB10G).
Uses :The glovebox is used for the handling and preservation of highly sensitive compounds in an inert atmosphere of argon. Accordingly, reactions can be performed in the strict absence of moisture and oxygen.
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