The “Laboratoire Hétérochimie Fondamentale et Appliquée” (LHFA, UMR CNRS 5069) is one of the components of the “Institut de Chimie de Toulouse”. It is composed of an average of 60 people (including 26 permanent) and its activity occurs mainly in three areas.
1 - Basic research
Through its history and its activities, the LHFA is positioned as one of the leading laboratories in the chemistry of the heteroelements at the national and international level. Its core business is the synthesis and study of original molecules, highly reactive species. This axis represents a common denominator of the activities of the different teams and gives a good thematic coherence to the laboratory. However, the developed research themes go beyond study highly reactive species derived from the p-block elements.
Thus, activity and expertise of the LHFA have been greatly enriched and important projects related to the chemistry of the heteroelements were gradually initiated. In particular may be reported significant contributions in coordination chemistry and Organometallic chemistry, in the field of nanoparticles (in base metals or heteroelements), in the chemistry of polymers. Interest increasingly harder for Catalysis also grew, as well for the fine chemicals for the controlled polymer synthesis.
The title even laboratory, Heterochimie basic and applied, reflects perfectly its positioning and its thematic priorities. The guideline is to combine fundamental cutting-edge research (unusual chemical structures, original link modes, new chemical transformations) with aspects more applied areas strong stakes (catalysis, materials and nanochemistry).
2 - Valuation
Industrial contracts account for nearly 2/3 of the resources of the unit (excluding salaries). The LHFA collaborates with large industrial groups such as Arkema, Ifpen, Sanofi, Solvay, and SMEs (paintings Maestría).
3 - Education
The LHFA is actively involved in training and research in hosting students from 1St to 3RD cycle courses: IUT, BTS, high schools (ENS, École Polytechnique), Masters, universities. The laboratory is also attached to the Graduate School of Sciences of the matter of Toulouse (ED n ° 482).
The LHFA consists of 6 research teams which have focused their activities around six main themes (not usual multiple bonds - cash electron deficiency - organometallic complexes - fine chemicals - Catalysis - materials) and two accompanying services.