Dr. Anthony BEAUVOIS & Dr. Valérie BRIOIS

Conférences LHFA
2024-02-02 16:00
Salle Mathis (bât 2R1)
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Dr. Anthony BEAUVOIS & Dr. Valérie BRIOIS

Rocking Optics for Chemical Kinetics (ROCK) Beamline

Synchrotron SOLEIL

"The Quick-EXAFS ROCK beamline from SOLEIL for the operando characterization of catalysts"


X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) is a well-known “workhorse” technique for operando characterization of catalysts leading today to the worldwide building of dedicated XAS beamlines for catalysis [1]. The SOLEIL’s ROCK beamline, funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche in the framework of the national “Grand Emprûnt”, is one of this dedicated infrastructure for the operando characterization of materials by time-resolved Quick-EXAFS [2-5].

The performances and capabilities of the ROCK beamline using dedicated cells and combination of techniques will be first presented. The monitoring of the activation, reaction and deactivation of heterogeneous catalysts used for ethanol steam reforming will be used for illustrating the beamline capability [6]. Finally, the cells for studying photocatalysts recently developed at the beamline will be presented together with the very first results.

[1] in Synchrotron Radiation News 2020 33(1) 
[2] E. Fonda, A. Rochet, M. Ribbens, S. Belin, V. Briois J. Synch. Rad. 2012 19 417
[3] V. Briois, C. La Fontaine, S. Belin, L. Barthe, T. Moreno, V. Pinty, A. Carcy, R. Girardot, E. Fonda Journal of Physics Conferences Series, 2016, 712: art.n° 012149
[4] C. La Fontaine, L. Barthe, A. Rochet, V. Briois Cat. Today, 2013 205 148
[5] C La Fontaine, S. Belin, L. Barthe, O. Roudenko, V. Briois, Synchrotron Radiation News 2020 33 14820
[6] A. Ribeiro Passos, C. La Fontaine, S. H. Pulcinelli, C. V. Santilli, V. Briois, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2020, 22, 18835


Valérie Briois received her PhD from the Paris VI University (Paris) in 1991. She worked at LURE (1991-2004) and now at SOLEIL, the French Synchrotron Radiation facilities. CNRS Research Director, she is the head of the ROCK quick-EXAFS beamline at SOLEIL. She works on the operando quick-EXAFS characterizations of catalysts and contributes to the spread of MCR-ALS applied to quick-EXAFS analysis. Her current research activities are focused on hydrodesulfurization and ethanol steam reforming catalysts.

Anthony Beauvois obtained the ‘agrégation’ of Chemistry in 2017 and received his PhD from the University of Rennes in 2020. He is now beamline scientist at the ROCK beamline of the SOLEIL synchrotron. He works on the operando quick-EXAFS characterizations of (photo)-catalysts using chemometrics tools and implementing modulation-excitation approach to focus on the (photo)-catalysts surface-active species. His current research activities are focused on the use of MOFs and LDH as photocatalysts for H2 production and/or pollutant photodegradation.


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  • 2024-02-02 16:00

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